Hot Tub Filters

Filtration and sanitation are the two most important things for clean and safe hot tub water. In my post today, I am going to talk about proper care for hot tub filters. Adequate filtration and clean filters are essential for filtering out debris. Every hot tub has filters. Yes, please take a moment to open your hot tub manual if you are unaware of where your filters are located. Some sales people forget to share this with you 😉 Some hot tubs have one filter and others have up to five.

Rinse your filter cartridges at least once a month to keep them free of debris and more importantly, replace your filters at least once a year. If you use your hot tub heavily, do this more often. There are hundreds of filter cleaners on the market. However, we like to take the good old hose and give filters a good rinse. Some cleaners can create suds and your hot tub time will seem more like a bubble bath. Make sure you open the pleats in your filters to rinse out all the grime. Inorganic materials, i.e. lotions, deodorants, hair products, sun screen, bug spray, perfume, etc. can cause yucky slimy residue in filters.

Why should you rinse your filters regularly? Just like any other type of filter, it can become clogged with inorganic and organic materials, causing the flow in your hot tub to become low. This can cause a whole new array of issues for your hot tub. Why should you replace your filters regularly? Over time, the filter material will weakened and begin to deteriorate, causing the filter to be less effective. If you ever experience the ‘orange filter’, stop getting into your hot tub with self tanner on!